There is only one picture of the daughter in the first establishing shots, creates a feeling of blinding nostalgia. Non Continuity editing creates a sense of constructed life, represents a structured sense of life. Elevator music as described by Lester... so boring. Daughter is wearing all blue, however, the mother is wearing red. Interesting contrast. Lester is tilting his head to the daughter. True familial love? Beige, white, off white, gold and silver... eloquent but boring.
Red roses in front of daughter and the light is on the daughter. Makes us concentrate on the daughter, in the centre of the shot. Quite basic shot composition creates a sense that this is normal life. Slow zoom creates a sense of intruding in this scene. Fake interest by Lester makes Lester seem quite psychopathic in attitude, creating fake interest to manipulate his daughter into a certain position. Lester recoils in seat, creates a further sense of pitiful uselessness in the character Lester.
Red lipstick on mom, this is more of the mise en scene, using makeup and wardrobe to show who is the most masculine, in charge and the most prominent, in the case of the American flag, it is one of the most prominent and over bearing colours. To further this point is the fact that Lester is far from alpha, murmuring his opinion under his breath, a far cry from the later dinner scene. White wine ~ symbolizes everyday life.
Hand held camera, almost V/H/S feeling, like a home video. Harkens back to the beginning where it records a woman asking for someone to die. All white and blue now mother is gone, symbolizes a lack of dominance in the area except the daughter. Music is melodic, makes him seem creepy but innocent?
A concise analysis of some of the key elements from the scene studied. You use terminology well. You should have really analysed the scene in a bit more detail though.